Finding Solicitors For Newcastle Data Breach Claims

This guide will explore the ways in which data breach solicitors for Newcastle claims may benefit you. We will examine the various ways in which a data breach solicitor may assist you, for example, by helping you gather evidence or representing you on a No Win No Fee basis. 

Data breach solicitors newcastle

Data breach solicitor for Newcastle claims guide

We will also discuss how the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) work to protect the personal data of UK residents. Personal data is any information that, when used alone or with other details, could identify you as a person. Following this, we will examine how much compensation you could be owed if your claim is a success. 

Our advisors are on call to offer you a free consultation at a time that is most convenient for you. Please do not hesitate to get in touch by: 

Choose A Section

  1. How Can Data Breach Solicitors For Newcastle Help You Claim Compensation?
  2. What Are The Benefits Of Using Our No Win No Fee Data Breach Solicitors For Newcastle?
  3. When Are You Eligible To Make A Data Protection Breach Claim?
  4. Potential Evidence That Could Help You Make A Breach Of Data Protection Claim
  5. Data Breach Compensation Calculator – What Could You Receive?
  6. Learn More About Using Data Breach Solicitors

How Can Data Breach Solicitors For Newcastle Help You Claim Compensation?

Claiming can be a daunting process but having a data breach solicitor there to assist you can make the process feel less stressful. For example, a solicitor could help you: 

  • Collect evidence
  • Provide you with updates on the case
  • Give you an indication of what you could receive in terms of compensation
  • Give you a realistic timescale of how long your claim could take
  • Present and build your case

Our advisors can provide you with more details in terms of how their services may help you if you get in touch. 

What Are The Benefits Of Using Our No Win No Fee Data Breach Solicitors For Newcastle?

Claiming via a solicitor who works on a No Win No Fee basis can have many financial benefits. With a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), you generally only have to pay for your solicitor’s services if your claim does not succeed. You also will not typically be asked to pay any upfront or ongoing fees for your solicitor’s services. 

If your claim is successful, your solicitor will be paid a success fee. This has a legislative cap, to help ensure that you keep the majority of your award.

Our advisors can assess your validity to claim on a No Win No Fee basis if you get in touch. If you are eligible, they may connect you with one of our data breach solicitors for Newcastle based claims. Get in touch to find out more about how to claim.

When Are You Eligible To Make A Data Protection Breach Claim?

A data breach is known as a security incident that affects the availability, confidentiality, or integrity of your personal data. Furthermore, you must have encountered wrongful conduct. 

However, not all breaches of data may lead to a claim. The UK GDPR outlines when you can claim for a breach, and states that:

  • There must be wrongful conduct on behalf of the data processor or data controller which leads to your personal data being compromised.
  • You must have endured financial or mental harm as a result of the breach.

A data controller decides how and why your data is used. In contrast, data processors could be tasked with processing your data on behalf of the data controller. Both parties must adhere to data protection laws, such as the UK GDPR and DPA. 

How Could A Data Breach Occur?

 If you would like to find out whether you qualify to claim with the help of one of our data breach solicitors for Newcastle, get in touch today.

Potential Evidence That Could Help You Make A Breach Of Data Protection Claim

Collecting evidence is often an important part of making a personal data breach claim. Evidence can help strengthen your claim, and can also help you establish who is liable for the data breach. Some examples of evidence that could help you prove your claim include:

  • Correspondence between yourself and the party responsible for the breach, such as the data controller or processor
  • Medical reports or other records that illustrate the extent of the damage done to your mental health
  • Bank statements, bills, credit reports, or other financial documentation that showcases the impact the breach has had on your finances
  • Correspondence with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK’s independent data protection watchdog. The ICO can issue data breach fines and investigate potential breaches, but they do not offer compensation.

Is There A Time Limit When Seeking Data Breach Compensation?

In most cases, you have 6 years to begin your data breach claim. However, if you are claiming against a public body, the time limit would be 1 year. 

For more information on when you could claim and how evidence could strengthen your case, contact our team today. They can give you more information on how one of our data breach solicitors for Newcastle based claims could help.

Data Breach Compensation Calculator – What Could You Receive?

The compensation for a successful data breach claim may be split into two heads. You may be awarded non-material damage compensation for any mental injuries sustained as a result of the breach. For instance, you could be compensated for anxiety, depression, or general distress after a data breach.

Below, we have compiled a table using compensation figures from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG), a document used by legal professionals to aid them when valuing claims. Please note that these figures are not guaranteed, and are only used a reference.

Injury SeverityCompensation BracketDetails
Psychological injurySevere£54,830 to £115,730There are significant issues dealing with work or education because of an unsuccessful treatment.
Psychological injuryModerately Severe£19,070 to £54,830Involves major hardship with everyday tasks, but a better prognosis than above.
Psychological injuryModerate £5,860 to £19,070Despite a good prognosis, difficulty dealing with life will still persist.
Psychological injuryLess Severe£1,540 to £5,860The impact the data breach has on daily life and recovery time will determine how much compensation is awarded for this bracket.
Anxiety disorderSevere £59,860 to £100,670Involves continuing symptoms which stop involvement in daily life or functioning at a level similar to pre-trauma.
Anxiety disorderModerately Severe£23,150 to £59,860A better prognosis will be achieved with the aid of a medical professional.
Anxiety disorderModerate£8,180 to £23,150Despite a near full recovery being made, there will still be some problems coping with life.
Anxiety disorderLess Severe£3,950 to £8,180A near full recovery has been made within 1-2 years.

Could You Claim For Material Damage Due To A Data Breach?

Material damage compensation could also be included in your payout if you are subject to financial losses because of the data breach. For example, material damage compensation could reimburse you for: 

  • Money that is stolen from your bank account 
  • Loans that are taken out in your name, leaving you in debt and arrears 
  • A negative effect on your credit score

As previously mentioned, it is important to provide evidence of any financial losses to strengthen your chances of being reimbursed for them. 

Please get in touch with an advisor from our team for more information on claiming compensation for a personal data breach.

Are You Able To Make A Data Protection Breach Claim? Contact Us For Free 24/7

As previously stated, our advisors are available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They can offer you free legal advice and further guidance surrounding your claim. Moreover, if they judge you to have a valid claim, they may connect you with one of the data breach solicitors from our team. 

To get in contact:

We have also included further reading in relation to data breaches that could be helpful: 


Find your nearest Data Breach Solicitors

You could get more information by reading our other guides:

Thank you for reading this guide about data breach solicitors for Newcastle claims.

Writer Beck Partner

Editor Cat Heart