Liverpool Data Breach Solicitors – How To Claim

This guide will provide information about how to claim compensation using our data breach solicitors for Liverpool.

Data breach solicitors Liverpool

Data breach solicitors for Liverpool based claims guide

We will outline when you are eligible to claim data breach compensation. Additionally, this guide will describe what evidence could help you and what you could receive from a successful data breach claim. We will also highlight the benefits of using No Win No Fee solicitors when making a claim.

This guide will aim to answer any questions you may have about the data breach claims process. However, if you have any remaining queries, don’t hesitate to reach out to our advisors. They can offer free legal advice and more help through a free consultation. To get in touch:

Select A Section

  1. Can Data Breach Solicitors For Liverpool Help You Claim? – A Guide
  2. How Can Data Breach Solicitors For Liverpool Help You Receive Compensation?
  3. What Benefits Are There To Using Data Breach Solicitors For Liverpool?
  4. When Are You Able To Claim For Data Breach Compensation?
  5. What Evidence Could Help You In A Data Protection Breach Claim?
  6. How Much Compensation For A Data Breach?
  7. Learn More About Claiming For A Breach Of Personal Data

Can Data Breach Solicitors For Liverpool Help You Claim? – A Guide

The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) run alongside each other to protect the personal data of UK residents.

The legal definition of a data breach is found in Article 4 of the UK GDPR, which states it is a security incident involving your personal data being lost, altered, or destroyed unlawfully or accidentally. A data breach can also involve disclosing or accessing your personal data without authorisation.

Personal data is classed as any information that could be used to identify you when processed by itself or in combination with other personal information. This could include your name, email address, phone number, and postal address.

Data controllers and data processors have to adhere to data protection law. A data controller establishes how and why your data will be used, whereas a data processor processes this data on the controller’s behalf.

Data breach solicitors for Liverpool could help you claim. To find out if you could be eligible to claim data breach compensation, get in touch with our team.

How Can Data Breach Solicitors For Liverpool Help You Receive Compensation?

There are many benefits of using solicitors to claim compensation. A solicitor can do many things to help your claim. For example, a solicitor could collect evidence, interview witnesses, provide updates on the case, and use their legal expertise to present and build your case.

You may be wondering how to find data breach claim solicitors. You can locate a solicitor that is right for you in different ways. Firstly, you could locate a solicitor through word of mouth based on previous experiences with the solicitor being reviewed positively by family and friends. A recommendation from someone you trust could also help when picking a particular No Win No Fee solicitor for your claim.

Or, you can get in touch with our team of advisors. They can evaluate your claim, and may be able to connect you with one of our panel of solicitors.

What Benefits Are There To Using Data Breach Solicitors For Liverpool?

There are many benefits of using No Win No Fee data breach solicitors for Liverpool based claims. A No Win No Fee agreement is an arrangement between you and your solicitor. This helps you access legal counsel and provides certain benefits. For example, under an agreement known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), if your breach of data protection claim is unsuccessful, you generally won’t have to pay a fee for your solicitor’s services. This includes both upfront and ongoing fees.

In fact, the only fee your solicitor will typically take under a CFA is a success fee if your claim succeeds. This is taken directly from your compensation, though the amount taken has a legislative cap.

To find out if one of our panel solicitors could help you make a personal data breach, get in touch with our team today.

When Are You Able To Claim For Data Breach Compensation?

The UK GDPR and Data Protection Act state that you can claim data breach compensation if the breach results from an organisation’s wrongful conduct. If you wish to claim, you must also experience material or non-material damage from the data breach. Material damage is financial loss, whereas non-material damage is emotional damage resulting from the data breach.

Some data breach claim examples could include:

  • A data breach of a database due to a hack because they did not have sufficient cybersecurity in place.
  • A bank data breach where your bank sends your bank details and other financial information to the wrong address after you’ve supplied them with the updated, correct contact information
  • An HR data breach where an HR department has emailed personal information to the wrong person.
  • A GP data breach where your doctor could discuss your condition with a member of the public without passing the sufficient identification and verification process.

Contact our team today to find out if you could be eligible to make a data breach claim.

What Evidence Could Help You In A Data Protection Breach Claim?

There are many steps that could help you during the process of claiming for a data breach. Collecting evidence concerning the data breach and any harm caused to you due to the breach is one of these steps.

Firstly, a data controller must inform you of a breach of your personal data if the breach infringes upon your rights or freedoms. Correspondence with the organisation responsible could help you establish how the data breach occurred and who is liable, as well as what data was affected.

Additionally, you can collect evidence of any psychological harm you sustained due to the breach. This can be in the form of medical records. If you hire a solicitor, they may arrange an independent medical assessment to assess how the breach affected your mental health. This report can then help to strengthen a claim.

Thirdly, if you suffered any financial losses, you’ll need evidence of this material damage to be eligible to receive compensation. This could be in the form of bank statements, credit score reports, or credit card bills.

To find out how one of our panel solicitors could help you gather evidence to further strengthen your claim, get in touch with our team today.

How Much Compensation For A Data Breach?

There are figures from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) provided below. The guidelines set out compensation brackets that coincide with different types of psychological injury based on severity. Data breach solicitors can use these figures to help them when calculating non-material damage payouts when claiming for a data breach.

They are only guidelines, not guarantees of what you could receive. Compensation is based on several factors specific to your circumstances, such as the severity of your psychological injury, whether any permanent symptoms were caused, and the extent to which your life has been impacted.

Type of HarmSeverityDescriptionCompensation
Psychological InjurySevereYou will find it very difficult to cope with life, education, or work. There is a poor prognosis.£54,830 – £115,730
Psychological InjuryModerately SevereYou will have daily issues coping with life, education, or work. However, there will be a more optimistic prognosis.£19,070 – £54,830
Psychological InjuryModerateYou may have some issues with your life, but this category is specific to those who have made a recognisable improvement by trial.£5,860 – £19,070
Psychological InjuryLess SevereThe extent of your symptoms and how long they affect you are both considered here.£1,540 – £5,860
Anxiety DisorderSevereThese cases involve permanent effects which prevent you from working at all, or at least from functioning at anything compared to what they could do pre-trauma.£59,860 – £100,670
Anxiety DisorderModerately SevereThere is a better prognosis in this bracket, due to some improvement with professional treatment.£23,150 – £59,860
Anxiety DisorderModerateThis category is for people who have largely recovered from PTSD symptoms. The continuing effects of their PTSD will not be too disabling.£8,180 – £23,150
Anxiety DisorderLess SevereIn these cases, only minor symptoms last after a mostly full recovery.£3,950 – £8,180

Want To See If You Can Claim Using Data Breach Solicitors? Contact Us For Free Today

If you would like to learn more about using data breach solicitors for Liverpool based data breach claims, contact our team today. They can provide a free consultation, and may put you in touch with one of our expert solicitors from our panel. To get started:

Learn More About Claiming For A Breach Of Personal Data

We have also provided some additional resources below that you may find beneficial.


Find your nearest Data Breach Solicitors

Additionally, please find more of our guides below:

Thank you for reading our guide on using data breach solicitors for Liverpool claims.

Writer Saif Small

Publisher Cat Heart